Friday, April 24, 2009

Final Marceline Pamphlet

This process went a lot smoother than previous InDesign pamphlet designing. Transferring my ideas into the program was a lot easier because I had a plan before hand, because I had the copy fit to the space I intended, and because I am now a lot more familiar with the attributes to the software. Printing also went a lot smoother in that I knew what I was doing do I was more efficient and had no issues in the process. Copyfitting did help visualize the final design. There were only a few minor copyfitting errors that were not able to translate coherently in the final design, but otherwise, it was very accurate. I do wish I would have printed to thinner, non-glossy paper so folding and assembling would have been more efficient. There were tears in the paper from me forcing it to fold. I wish I would have made the font of the informational text larger or more bold because it is really light in the final production. Overall, I think my pamphlet is a bit boring when it comes to eye catching colors and visuals, but the color scheme I used is very soothing to the eyes and besides the font being to thin, conveys the intended information well.

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